The Beginning

...where else?

The start of this journey is information. It isn’t new information, it’s actually very old, so old in fact, that it has mostly been conveniently forgotten and buried, residing in dusty old tomes that nobody reads. Unfortunately, those that would downplay and ignore its existence and absolute relevance, will soon realise that their policies and directives that are diametrically opposed to it, will have to stand accountable for their actions – despite much of the finance industry no longer knowing why things work the way they do. The banks ply their operations every single day of the week and (conveniently for them) not many people know the inherently fundamentally flawed nature of what they’re involved in – certainly not the customer-facing staff, as lower-level employees are fed the same story as the general public, because they are the general public, and are therefore, also fair game for being screwed!

So after a little learning, the beginning of our action is the pushback of a situation that has been rampant for years – the alleged debt-to-the-bank scenario. Just this one aspect when applied, immediately liberates so-called ‘debtors’ from poverty, misery, and inequality, and naturally generates the thought “…if I can do this after such a short amount of learning, what will I be able to do when I’ve been studying for a year?” The door opens to more information and shows that a very different system operates behind the scenes, far away from public view.

Once we experience the reality that nothing we believed is quite how we thought it was, we make a quantum jump in our capacity, and naturally begin exhibiting and consciously creating a simpler, more transparent, and fairer way of conducting ourselves when dealing with others, in-keeping with the universal rules of contracting.

The transition is mostly seamless, and that’s because the bottom line universally, is that the vast majority of people just want to live their lives, accomplish something, be valued, and live in peaceful cooperation with others. And given that most theft is the result of either greed or a place of lack, it isn’t hard to imagine that once people have abundance and operate in honour – there’ll no longer be any greed or lack, and therefore any need to steal things and / or deprive others of their right to peace and happiness. At that point, the entire spectrum of society will move up a level. The situation will percolate outwards very quickly until eventually all of the professional fraudsters in our lives will encounter a very different and increasingly difficult set of circumstances within which to try and operate their scams.

adminThe Beginning